Thursday, February 20, 2014

Sisters in Zion

Current tabs open on my browser: two Sister Missionary friend's blogs, an article about effectively studying Preach My Gospel, the BYU Bookstore (getting a Portuguese Book of Mormon for Brazil this summer. Hello, fluency!), Deseret Book, a Pinterest board titled "Sister Howard" and Also, Sister Rebecca Mohler's CD (GO GET IT IT'S GOOD) playing in the background. Don't even know how all that happened.

I have never, ever had such an intense desire to prepare for my mission. Not like I do now. Mission prep class is my favorite thing. My local missionaries are my favorite people to hang out with. Preach My Gospel is bomb. Not to mention The Book of Mormon; that's even more bomb. You'd think my 19th birthday is next week (SIKE two more years y'all).

While I don't wear a missionary tag (YET), I'm already starting to wear one on my heart. I'm still so young in the gospel, with so much to learn, but I do know a few things: I know Christ lives, I know His church is restored, I know His gospel brings beautiful peace and happiness to all those who accept it, and I know I want to share it. Oh, I want to share it.

This morning in Seminary, my teacher had each of us get together in companionships. In about 0.2 seconds Rachel and I paired up and became the dynamic duo that is Sister Brown and Sister Howard. Both of us have recently fired-up desires to be [member and full-time] missionaries, and we love working together. And we've been dearest friends since the dreadful tween years. Yikes.

Needless to say, our discussions are top.

We were informed that we would be preparing and teaching a lesson on Resurrection to the Elders, who were sitting in the back of the room and pretending to be investigators. Slightly scary, however, there's no better way for the student to learn than to teach the masters. Elders Rust and Lattin asked difficult questions as we taught, really giving us a glimpse of what it'll be like out in the field. I came home and went straight to my Preach My Gospel book because a) I was totally pumped about missionary work and b) I was reminded how much preparation it takes to be a successful missionary, and how TODAY is the time for that preparation; my call will be here before I know it.

I love Rachel. I love her light. I love that we began our lesson preparation with a prayer and that she was just as into it, if not more into it, than I was. I love that our prep time was cut short but our lesson ran smoothly because of our sincere prayers, and I love that the gospel works like that. Sister Brown will be unstoppable on her mission and I'm glad to have her close during these tender preparation years.

*exaltedstatus hashtag is rightfully trademarked by Rachel and I.

I adore The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It's true. It's all true. I am too happy to deny it. I am so grateful for the people who are placed in my life to help me get to where I want to go: on a mission, to the Temple, and ultimately back to my Father in Heaven.

Sweet is the work. :)

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