Thursday, July 10, 2014

July Tenth | Blessed are the clumsy?

I like blogging. I'm going to start again. So, hello.

In my blog files are several partially-written things. The most recent of these is a heartfelt post about finally progressing in the arts of confidence, character, and grace. While my self-progression is an everyday ordeal, I have off-days. Oh my word, I have off-days.

Like today.

Any day that begins with a trip to the doctor to get vaccines is bound to be a weird day anyway, right? I'm a pretty tough girl; spiders don't bother me, neither do snakes, and for crying outloud, I'm going to be a midwife. But shots? Nope. Nope nope nope. Show me those needles and I become the world's biggest baby.

Among other things, I forgot about approximately a dozen things that needed to be done today, which was the cause of me speeding to get a passport photo and nearly knocking a lady over as I hastily exited out of an "entrance" door. And we're not even going to talk about my parking job.


It's days like this that I become such a hopeless dreamer. I so often escape the world by slipping into my own mind, a place where I can sketch blueprints for the tiny home I want to build when I get married, or go back to my favorite nights with my favorite people. And there's almost always a good acoustic song playing in my head. 

Still, I feel that everywhere I go, I leave debris in my wake. But I'm learning, and I've got this. I think. And while my parking job may be a good indication of how my day went, my day is not my life. I'll get this "adulthood" thing down, and if I don't, I'll learn to fall gracefully.

But until then, I'm sorry if I knock you down in the doorway of Walgreens. 


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