Saturday, June 8, 2013

eight lovely things that happened this week

1. Rediscovering Canto Della Terra and belting it with Matthew while we cleaned the house.

Andrea Bocelli makes me cry. He is blind and could have amounted to nothing, but he found his light and let it shine. I used to sing this song with my dad when I was little. I'll always find a home in that voice. 

2. Downtown with my favorites. 

My mom, siblings and I went to a little water park in the middle of Downtown Houston. There's something freeing about splashing in fountains and acting like a kid with your brothers, also getting a tan while you're at it.
This child makes me happy.
Matthew and I also took a walk around downtown and found a little organic grocery store on the side of the road, where we purchased sushi and some pretty spankin' good grapefruit-pear-kale juice. I like big cities and their happy hippie food.

3. Talking with Denis 

I started my full-time job this week! I work as a seasonal clerk at the Battleship Texas and San Jacinto Monument (if you ever need to know anything about Texas history, call me. Haha). This week I worked in the office, and Denis and I had time to talk while we put together fishing poles and wagons. We talked about Christ and living what we believe and being authentic, happy people, as well as political opinions and an Ayn Rand discussion. It was so edifying, and lovely to see that side of Denis; to everyone else he's a grumpy old dude, and to see another side of him was like a testament of the beauty of people and their thoughts. The grumpy old dude has a special place in my heart.

4. Paradigm shift

Confession: I can be sassy and I have a bad attitude sometimes. Preceding my first day of work, I was mad about my summer. I knew what was coming - I'd have to work all day every day in the Texas heat, dealing with demanding people and high-strung summer camp kids, all while wearing a uniform that would give me a morbidly awkward tan. I felt like I sold my summer to Texas Parks and Wildlife. 

7:45 a.m. on my first day, I was watering the plants outside the Battleship office. The sun was warm on my back, the water droplets on the leaves were sparkling, and I was looking at the last standing (floating?) freakin' WWI era UNITED STATES BATTLSHIP. "I was so wrong," I thought, "I'm sixteen and I have a cooler job than most adults I know. I get to work in the sunshine, laugh with little kids, and work in a historical field that I actually care about. Smiles the rest of the summer." 

I chose to be happy. 

5. Thursday's thunderstorm.

6. Late night phone calls.

They're my favorite kind.

7. Seeing mum so happy.

Our family car was old and crappy, so we upgraded to the newer model of the suburban we had when I was a little, little kid. She said it made her heart happy because it was like being a young mother with little children and their cheerios in the back seat again. Except those little children are big now.

We rolled down the windows and blasted the music when we took it for a drive. I loved it and I love my mom.

8. The purchasing of my happy pants.

It is my belief that all people should have at least one pair of funky pants in their wardrobe, and now I have some.
(Please excuse the grass on my feet and the fact that these pants look like your grandmother's couch. I like them).


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