Saturday, March 2, 2013

thoughts of a daughter of a king (and disney princess lover)

"I am a princess. I am brave sometimes, I am scared sometimes. Sometimes, I am brave even when I am scared. I believe in loyalty and trust; I believe loyalty is built on trust. I try to be kind, I try to be generous; I am kind even when others are not-so-generous. I am a princess. I think standing up for myself is important, I think standing up for others is more important, but standing with others is most important. I am a princess, I believe compassion makes me strong, kindness is power, and family is the tightest bond of all. I have heard I am beautiful, I know I am strong.

I am a princess. LONG MAY I REIGN."

Call it cheesy, but this video made my heart mucho happy.

I think the words said outline perfectly what a Daughter of God should always strive to be, and what the general society has strayed away from. 

We forget that it's okay to be scared. That it's GOOD to be scared. Why? We can never have the opportunity to be BRAVE unless, at some point, we are afraid. Fear is part of greatness, of majesty, of venerability. Scared is something that is okay to be, as long as we have the strength to be "brave even when [we're] scared."

Loyalty and trust are things we build with others, lifting each other up, listening to each other's stories, and connecting with each other. And doing those things is beautiful beyond description. 

Being kind. Being kind when people aren't-so-generous. It's unconditional love. It's empathy. It's what our hearts are hard-wired for. Those of us who truly know who we are will embrace that, even though it is so, so hard.

Standing with others is something we have the individual power to influence. We can pull others up to higher ground to stand hand-in-hand with, to face the storms together. Like this man did for this woman during the flood in Athens, just weeks ago. 

Compassion is strength. I think this is what we forget most often. We tend to believe strength is physical, or being emotionally independent, "I don't need no man" kind of thing. You know? But really, it is our love, our empathy, our hugs and tears and smiles of sympathy, our compassion that makes us who we are: unshakable daughters of Heavenly Father.

We have the potential to reign for all time and eternity, because He is our Father, and He is infinite. To think I am trusted with such a literal sacred birthright is both motivational and humbling. It makes me want to smile a little brighter, hold my head a little higher, give more hugs, hold more hands, look into more eyes, and be a little better.

I am His daughter.


  1. Julia. I have to say that this is one of my favorite posts of yours. This is so inspiring and beautiful. And I am such a HUGE fan of Disney princesses. :) But more importantly, I'm a bigger fan of Heavenly Father's daughters and their divine role and missions here on earth. I lovessss you Julia! You are beautiful.

    <3 Simmy and her llama

    1. Simmy and llama. I love you! You're so beautiful! <3

  2. Oh man, this is exactly what I needed today. Julia, you are so inspiring. Thank you for being so amazing!
