Thursday, February 28, 2013


I have been privileged enough to work with two beautiful and inspiring girls on a project with a message that is so close to my heart. That project is called Path2Awesome.

SannekeWesleigh and I have worked together to launch the project, and I feel so honored to be working with the two of them. But anyway, what is this project of ours?

Path2Awesome is a place for people with ordinary lives to go and inspire each other to be extraordinary. We will be posting weekly about the things we've been doing to make our lives better stories; things we're doing to live the adventures our hearts crave.

We are also inviting anyone and EVERYONE to send in their story to us to be published on the blog. Tell us about the little inspiring things about your week! That's what we love to hear. Everyone has a story worth telling, and we want to tell it.

Please go check it out and send us your stories! We love to read them and I know that maybe, somewhere, someone is being inspired by the work. You are all wonderful, and I am so excited to see where the path leads! Let's be awesome!

"Your life is your message to the world; make sure it's inspiring." - unknown

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